Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Neo-conservative land

If you have a mental illness and you try to live in a society that is neo-conservative based I feel you will have a hard time, And it will eventually add up in health care bills to be more then you can ever afford.

With neo-conservatives  believing in privatization of many things, one of those things being health care, having a mental illness and being in the "lower class" will not be so great for you. If you need to go into the doctors on a regular basis it will be expensive and sooner than later you will not longer be able to afford it. So many other factors will take part in having a privatized society not be the best choice for you.

"Neo-conservatism that people should provide for themselves by exercising their individual freedoms and choices in the competitive market place. In other words, people should provide for their own needs by work, savings and acquisition of property" (Mullaly,2007) The neo-conservatives believe that if you have a problem either it be no job, no home etc. is your own fault. So therefore I think that they want you to fend for yourself in more aspects, They don't want to have to put money into programs to help mentally ill people to find and job, go to school, find a house or get therapy. In the text by Mullaly he states the neoconservatives believe any provision more than the basic government services is believed to be unnecessary (Mullaly, 2007)  You need to have your own money to do things in the neo-conservative world.

All in all I think living in a neo-conservative world would be hard on us all especially people with mental illnesses, with very little access to the help, support and respect we would get from a liberal government making it hard to be living in tough situations. The lack of respect and having mentally ill people feel like they were less of a person is not right. They think we don't need equality but I think we do, it's only fair, it's not their fault these people have mental illnesses. 
-Alicia B

Mullay, B. (2007). The New Structural Social Work (3rd Ed).New York, NY: Oxford University press.


  1. Great post Alicia!
    I agree with you here, that the respect that the mentally ill people are getting is not right, and its hard for them to live in a neo-conservative land!
    - Sara M.

  2. I completely agree with you! Having a mental illness is not something people can always control, and in a neo-conservative government where they blame the individual and say its there fault, is unfair. I like the idea of equal.
    Good post Alicia!

  3. I can not agree more that the way the neo-conservative government need to change their stigmas against people with mental illness. It is unjust and morally wrong for people to treat anyone different for something they can not control. Over all everyone deserves to be treated equally. Good post Alicia it was very insightful.

    -Chandra B

  4. Neo conservaives in general have hard time trying ot understand or work with marginalized people. What neo conservatives don't understand that it is not in the control of those people that are being marginalized. Great post.
